About CTG

Crashing the Gate is a shot across the bow at the political establishment in Washington, DC and a call to re-democratize politics in America. This book lays bare, with passion and precision, how ineffective, incompetent, and antiquated the Democratic Party establishment has become, and how it has failed to adapt and respond to new realities and challenges. The authors save their sharpest knives to go for the jugular in their critique of Republican ideologues who are now running—and ruining—our country.

Written by two of the most popular political bloggers in America, the book hails the new movement—of the netroots, the grassroots, the unorthodox labor unions, the maverick big donors—that is the antidote to old-school politics as usual. Fueled by advances in technology and a hunger for a more authentic and populist democracy, this broad-based movement is changing the way political campaigns are waged and managed.

Here’s what the reviews say:

The Nation, February 24 2006

“…provocative new book that offers a perceptive analysis of progressive politics and proposes to revolutionize the Democratic Party…”

Buzzflash, March 3 2006

“If you are high on the possibilities for the Internet transforming progressive politics, then this is the book…to read.”

Adam Cohen, New York Times, March 12 2006

“Dead on.”

Joe Trippi, author of The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Jerome Armstrong and Markos Moulitsas Zúniga are pioneers of a new politics that empowers people—the Democratic establishment ignores Crashing the Gate and its insights at its peril. For everyone who believes that the Party must reform itself and return power to the grassroots, this book is a must read.

Ariana Huffington, editor, The Huffington Post

Two of the hottest Democratic bloggers–Daily Kos’ Markos Zuniga and MyDD’s Jerome Armstrong–prove with this book that they are also two of the sharpest and most insightful voices in the progressive movement. Crashing the Gate is an urgent and powerfully-written look both at what ails our democracy and what can heal it. Ultimately, they show that the fuel to reform our politics will not come from party insiders but from ‘the netroots, grassroots, and the rise of people powered politics.’

Dr Larry J Sabato, author of Divided States of America

No one is spared in this lively, pointed book—and that makes it a lot of fun. Democrats should read Crashing the Gate to find their way out of the political wilderness. Republicans should read it to understand what their opponents might do if they get smart. Independents should read it to see what vigorous, two-party competition will really look like.

Joan Blades, co-author of The Motherhood Manifesto

There is a reason why Markos and Jerome’s writing dominates the progressive blogosphere: they believe that politics is a battle of ideas and they wield the keyboard like a sword. And this is what we want from our leaders—passion and positions that come from the heart, not from the pollsters. The power and wisdom of the grassroots will elect leaders with these qualities and our democracy will once again be vibrant.

Sam Seder, host of Majority Report, Air America Radio Money

is fucking up the Democratic Party and money can save it. Finally, a plan to make the party more responsive to its roots and its beginnings.

Joe Conason, journalist

In a political culture dominated by corporate money and conservative ideology, the revival of progressive citizen politics is American democracy’s best hope. From the beginning, Jerome Armstrong and Markos Moulitsas Zuniga have been in the vanguard of the “netroots” movement—and now, in their tough, insightful and forthright book, these pioneering activists explain how progressive patriots can win.